
Section (3/3)

@if(Session::get('status')==2) @endif
{{ csrf_field() }}

The Social Enterprise

1.(a) Describe your business concept? (max 250 words Add links of your work)

Add a link of your work:

@if(App\ApplicationImage::where('user_id',Auth::user()->id)->count() < 1) Upload a photo of your work:                         @endif

@if(App\ApplicationBusinessProf::where('user_id',Auth::user()->id)->count() < 1) Upload a business profile (if any):                  @endif

(b) How big is your team (Including yourself and any co-founders you might have)?

(c) How many on your team work full time on the business ?

(d) How much revenue have your generated since the beginning of your business? Have you managed to generate any revenue since you started running your social business? Pick a range

(e) Do you have a co-founder/founders? How many?

(f) What has your source of capital been to date? ( You can select up to 3 sources)

(g) How does your social business generate revenue/make money? (You can select up to 3 sources)

2. (a) Who is your customer and what is your potential market size? (max 100 words)

(b) Who is your beneficiary? (max 100 words)

What is the estimated number of people that could potentially benefit from your solutions?

3.(a) In what way is your beneficiary’s life directly improved as a result of your work? (max 100 words)

(b) In what specific way does your enterprise solution improve your society as a whole? (max 100 words)

(c) How do you envision reaching more people in the next 5 years? (max 100 words)

4. What are the skills that you need the most to help you in developing your social business? (pick 2)

( Click Back to return to previous pages, Click Save to save your progress and return to it at a later time or click Submit to Submit your application to TTIC 2020.
Please Note: You will not be able to return to your application and edit your answers after Submitting your application. )