1. Is your social enterprise tackling a significant problem faced by the community?
E.g. Youth unemployment, lack of access to education
2. From which sector is your social enterprise, please best describe it in one paragraph.
E.g. Education, health, technology, agriculture, tourism, art, etc.
3. Are you the founder/co-founder of your social enterprise?
4. Do you work full time on your social enterprise?
5. At which stage is your social enterprise?
Idea stage: You have an idea and you are now ready to test or validate it
Testing/prototype: You have a clear strategy based on your validated idea
Implementation stage: You have now gone to market with your product/service and start implementing the strategy to develop your organization
(If other, Please specify in 100 characters)
6. Is your social enterprise financially sustainable?
That is: Does the organization depend on grants, generate revenue or both? Please explain.
Compulsory: maximum 250 characters
1. Describe the specific social problem that your social enterprise is tackling.
Make sure you focus on a specific problem. Describe the problem in a single sentence, so that even someone who has never met you before can understand immediately the problem you are trying to solve. For example; “People with disabilities in community XYZ do not have access to the services and support they need to live full and happy lives”
Compulsory: maximum 250 characters
2. Provide the most relevant statistics and references that prove this is a problem that needs addressing. List what you believe to be the most significant causes of the problem and explain why
Having facts and figures from expert sources regarding the problem you identified and you are now solving will help you convince other people that this is a problem that needs solving. These could be facts or references you have gathered from things you’ve seen or experienced yourself, from news or articles you’ve read, or from academic or research papers and reports.
Understanding the causes of the problem you want to solve, will help you improve your solution effectively. It is the first step towards understanding how to create a permanent, sustainable solution.
Compulsory: maximum 1000 characters
1. Describe your innovative solution to this problem.
Being able to describe the core of your solution in a couple of sentences, including what makes it unique, is critical to helping other people understand what you do. Describe briefly the core elements of your solution so that someone who has never met you before can understand your idea immediately.
Compulsory: max 500 characters
2. Target group
As in the commercial world, every product or service is created to meet a need for a specific target group. Explain which group(s) are the main target for your product(s) or service(s). Include the estimated number of beneficiaries/customers affected by this problem (market size), plus gender, age, geographic location and any other important information that helps define your target group(s).
2a. Who is your customer what is your customer base?
Compulsory: max 500 characters
2b. Who is your beneficiary and what is the estimated number of people that are/would benefit from your solution?
Compulsory: max 500 characters
3. Impact Measure
3a. How is your beneficiary’s life directly improved as a result of your work?
Think of an individual person facing the problem you identified earlier. How will their circumstances be changed as a result of using your products or services?
Compulsory: max 500 characters
3b. In what specific way does your enterprise solution improve your society as a whole?
To be able to secure support from any social investor or important stakeholder, you must be able to explain clearly the expected “outcomes” of your work, or in other words, how your solution will improve the lives of the community you are serving.
Compulsory: max 500 characters
4. How will you develop, scale or replicate your social enterprise in order to improve the lives of as many beneficiaries as possible in the future? How many beneficiaries do you expect to impact 5 years from now?
There are many different ways of doing this. “Scaling Out” involves finding ways for your services or products to be offered in new locations (e.g. setting up new service centers/training others in how to deliver your methodology). “Scaling Up” involves targeting powerful key influencers (e.g. government or sector leaders) and getting them to make your solution standard practice for all those operating under their area of jurisdiction (e.g. lobbying the government for policy change or changes to the law which will then require all service providers to do something differently). Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages and successful scaling strategies will often involve a mixture of both. Scaling takes time, but having alonger term strategy in place early on enables you to begin the important groundwork (e.g. developing relationships with key influencers) early. Tell us how you might go about scaling the impact of your work.
Compulsory: max 1,000 characters
5. Which sources of financing have you already pursued, and which others are you planning to target to obtain revenues from, to run and grow your social enterprise?
As a social entrepreneur, your challenge is to find a sustainable financial model which will support the delivery and growth of your social impact in a sustainable way. Let us know which sources of financing you have already pursued, including sales, donations, loans, use of your own funds, etc. Also tell us which sources of financing you intend to pursue in the future.
Compulsory: max 1,000 characters